Junkers Are Back In Update 11.1
16 March, 2022

Hei Outlanders, 

It's that time of the month! A fresh new update is heading your way and we're following on our goals we set from our plan for 2022 blog. Besides the new Legacy Season 6: Junkers, this update includes a lot of quality of life improvements as well as revamps in the Premium Pack and Crown menus. So without any further ado, let's get right into it, shall we? 

Junkers Return To The Outlands!

Legacy Season 6: Junkers is finally here! For the Outlanders who never managed to progress through this season in the past, or didn't manage to complete it, now's your chance to obtain all cosmetics and blueprints you're missing! With this update, we've added the option to buy levels in Legacy Season the same way you can do for standard seasons. 

Menu For Crowns And Premium Packs Gets A Makeover

As part of our ongoing effort to make the Shop more clear and concise, we decided to separate the premium packs into their own tab and give the crown tab a bit of makeover! You will notice that both the Premium Packs and Crown tabs have a more dynamic layout and older Premium Packs will be featured again but this time, with a big twist!

Improved Pricing For Crowns

We know that the Crowns tab needs a bit more looking into. It's no secret that we would like to revisit our pricing, and this is the first step to achieve that! We would like to introduce to you the new and improved Crown Packs. We decided to offer more Crowns based on their price in certain packs, that way players feel like they're getting more value out of their money. 

Nova Pink PS+ Bundle Is Here

Great news for our PlayStation Outlanders! If you have a PlayStation Plus membership, you can claim this pack for free on Wednesday, March 23rd! 

The pack includes: 

  • Limited Edition Nova Pink Camo variant of Work Jacket
  • Limited Edition Nova Pink Camo variant of Fishing Hat
  • 10x M2 Carbine + 400x ammo
  • 5x Izh43 + 40x ammo
  • 4x Vz. 52 rifle + 160x ammo
  • 3x KS-23 + 36x ammo
  • 2x VSS Vintorez + 80x ammo
  • 1x Remy M870 + 28x ammo

This pack may only be purchased once per account and is available for a limited time.

Quality of Life Changes? Yes please!

We thought we would leave you with some nice quality of life changes in the game. First of all, we added the option to dislike a specific song from the shelter playlist if you don't like listening to it! Last but not least, we tweaked the vaulting and climbing animations so that they feel more smooth and natural. 

That's all from us this time Outlanders. Make sure to log in tomorrow for some special cosmetics that will appear on the featured shop. We hope you'll enjoy update 11.1 and keep your eyes peeled on our social media for future updates! Until then,

See you in the Outlands!